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Waiting until the End

Writer: gravityninja777gravityninja777

Updated: May 7, 2024

Our #time is never coming back. I'm going to say that until mine runs out. I watch people throw the things in life they got for #free, their #health #mind and #body away, until it's too late. These are the tools to create quality living for any human being and like I said, they costed us nothing. Why are they the first things to go? Why is there 'No time' for this?

Do you think #elderly people that are in great shape waited until retirement? Nope, you see the years of hours upon hours thinking of their health and being conscious of it. Their cognitive state is sharp and they too have ailments, but they keep moving. We all develop something as we age. This is not the case for everyone, but percentage wise, out of thousands of clients I trained and worked with, the ones with any real sort of health problems, as in diagnosed, do not let it interfere with their goals and find ways to #persevere.

People often think or say; 'as soon as... I'm going to take care of myself.' Wellness is a constant, repetitive, cycle, as is any habit. Are you really going to climb that mountain at over 60? Why not start the habits now? I watched clients who didn't heed my warnings and played catch-up games for a decade fall into health problems, stress, and now 'mental illness.'

The phrase gets thrown around waaay too much. It is a scapegoat for those who ignore that your wellness, body & mind are connected. Let's say your health is good, but you chase drama online and IRL? What if you are a super positive person always doing good, but fill your body with things you know are unhealthy? What if your arrogance in how much $$$ you earn is your shield and you'll buy your way to health?

Self-diagnosis is a dangerous thing and I've been to the creepy doctor who wanted to put me on all kinds of meds. This guy tried to trigger me into thinking I had something wrong by saying buzz words like; #energy #depression #insomnia trouble #focusing I said, 'well yes, but that's why I #exercise.'

He was #weird. Just flat out, cause I only went in for a routine check-up and complained of NONE of this. I had just worked out and was feeling great! lol what a clown, man. I never went back because in my check-up there was some other creepy stuff too that I care not to mention on here.

Guess what, though? The trigger words I mentioned above are all very normal, human behaviors. Oh I know, a pill sounds fantastic, to get rid of these, that's why every commercial is about cheating your way to #fitness with this 'revolutionary breakthrough.' Doctor so and so (who may not even be a real Dr., studies show you are more likely to listen to someone wearing a white coat and stethoscope than someone who has fitness experience) I'm just too much of a critical thinker. I question everything these days, and use my discernment, another free thing we have! I always ask for the holistic approach & if the doc looks like he or she could take their own advice, I won't listen often times.

I'm here to say there is no end to what may be percieved as a poor mental state after the meditation or the exercise. Feelings will come at you again and again so you must practice wellness again and again. Our thoughts become things and you have to train your thoughts for positive outcomes.

Yeah, some already said; Who are you to tell me? I worked in a care center for the severely mentally disabled from the age of 13-23 on and off. Why so young, you ask?

Shortage of staff & low pay make for a punk kid to learn a couple things. Mainly I wanted to earn my own cash so I could get that PRIMUS T-shirt or Skateboard I wanted, and don't be laughing at my age! It was the 90's lol and as I grew older, I had to take care of my kid. This taught me again and again that real mental illness was not a temper tantrum or a nostalgic longing of the past. It also taught me at a young age, to be grateful & patient in even the most frightful situations.

I entered group-homes and lockdown facilities. I was responsible for high functioning patients of all ages with mental illness who all had very different #behaviors and #episodes. They were all capable of manipulation & drama also.

Now these were not people who did too much crystal meth, a huge problem back in those days, and went nuts. Or had PTSD from Wars they knowingly went into. Hey, I'm just being real and my filter is reserved for the truly offensive things so I'm speaking in general here, but there IS a difference.

As someone who witnessed and worked with those who do have mental illness, someone who saw patients who were born like this, and also saw those who drove themselves into it by yep, you guessed it; not taking care of themselves or their health, I think I can say a couple things about it, though I never made this industry my career. I only spent some years of my life doing this work and I am very happy that I did.

Here's the sad part; most of those people that are in fact, born like that, have parents who did not take care of their health, not just mom as in pregnant, dad also had a part to play in genetics or poor health and the casefiles of those who were abused as infants, that I saw, had parents who also had poor health and/or addictions.

Your mental health has to be sound to have children. They require so much and I learned this the hard way too, because my ego thought I could play catch-up or control what cannot be controlled. Do as I say, not as I do, is a horrible attribute for parenting, that was me, and I watch those who think they have it under control, get hit by reality pretty hard.

Kids turn into adults. They have their own mind and their own judgements of their parents at a very young age.

I've seen the smother moms, they want that violin lesson! Dads who want football more than their kids do. So why don't they play? Parents armchair, coach and lead from the sidelines when they should be the first to demonstrate.

Is it easier to put our kids out there to fail than take up the hobby ourselves and possibly be ridiculed by our family or friends? If that's the case, why tell them? Just do it and experience it, nobody needs to hear negativity projections.

Visual and musical arts, sleep therapy, exercise are all great ways to balance the mental health monster. I do all of this and it does work, but I'm not going to say it is a "cure" for anything! Negative self-talk as in; 'I could never do that.' has to be un-programmed.

People should go to a sit down #therapist if need be, talk it out to someone who isn't in their circle, but shouldn't run around and tell everyone they have mental health issues. Humans have feelings and they are not going to be 100% at all times. That does not give anyone an excuse to use it like gunfire and hurt others.

I have called bluffs and asked for Dr. note after a client proclaims this or any sort of ailment. Plainly put, I have to cover my bases, and if a client is unable to complete training or gets hurt and doesn't tell me about any treatment for any sort of reason, my insurance says no.

Mental health should always be a priority, but we shouldn't wait until we're too old. We should #live our lives and make our hearts content with preserving our health one day at a time. Get that paintbrush, grab that golf club or take that piano lesson your kid never stuck with! My mom did and she plays #beautifully!

Yes, work is important and so is #family but so are YOU! Your happiness, wellness, strength and patterns determine the quality of life you have. The human body & mind is far too complex to go wasted and unutilized.

See you in the next one!


Temple of light llc. Gravity*Ninja

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