We as a society don't look at #ingredients our #food contains.
Especially when it comes to poisons or "preservatives", companies prefer to use that word. Watch out for this the next time you need a snack that comes from a company that doesn't care about your #health and disguises itself as a friend. Marketing labels often mislead the public into thinking certain snacks are healthy, and marketing has us thinking low levels of #toxicity in the body is ok. We like to play the game, find the #poison.
Today I was about to eat a healthy snack and not look at all the ingredients.
So this is my time to play; Find the Poisons!
I looked at the container and found one poison then I researched it.
#Sulfur Dioxide, yup Sulfur. Sulfur dioxide, SO2, is a colorless gas or liquid with a strong, choking odor. It is produced from the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) and the smelting of mineral ores (aluminum, copper, zinc, lead, and iron) that contain sulfur. Sulfur dioxide dissolves easily in water to form sulfuric acid.Get a handful of that inside you and see what happens.
Now, Sulfur Dioxide is used as a "preservative" but I call it a poison.
This is why I call it a poison;
Sulphur residue(s) in food, is considered to have low toxicity. However, it may induce allergic reactions such as #asthmatic attacks, #headache and #nausea in susceptible individuals. You or I could be one of those individuals.
They say low toxicity... We say avoid consumption of toxic food chemicals.
Would you feed things like Ammonia, bleach and gas to your family?
We try not to. These #preservatives are everywhere and low doses turn into overkill fast.
Cook at home, know your labels and stay healthy!
You'll thank yourself later!